Okay, that's it. I've HAD IT!
These "people" at this Westboro Baptist Cult yes cult, not church, in Topeka have to go. This is absolutley reprehensible!
They take evey passage they use as an excuse, and twist it to mean whatever they want it to.
Does anyone know how to get a hold of this "Fred Phelps" maggot?
Gladly would I have a word or 10,000 w/this piece of garbage.
Can somebody send him my blog site? I'm sure he doesn't have the 'nads to talk to me, cowards like him and his little maggots that follow him usually don't.
Two Dead in Florida Prison Shooting; Guards Charged in Sex-for-Booze Case:
Unfortunately an agent was killed. What a scam......been goin' on for three years...guys....were you that hard up you had to do female inmates? I wonder what they looked like? Yikes!
For Dan Rather Ditching, Shame on CBS:
Whatevuh!! He out and out LIED just like the liberal media tends to do. Guess what, you don't get to "make up" stories about the most powerful government in the world, and expect to keep your job as a high profile anchor person at a major network, ya ding dongs!
I can't just make up a spread sheet at my job that says I put away $100,000 worth of stuff to make myself look good, and then we do an inventory and there's only $20,000 worth of stuff on the shelves. Guess what happens then?
Buh-Bye now D C.
Okay...once again I have solved the worlds problems. Your welcome world.
Hey guys, lets support the troops, they do what they do, so we can do what we do!
By the way, my step son pitched a no hitter last night...pretty cool!
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