Monday, November 30, 2009

Cop killer sentence commuted in 2000

Cop killer sentence commuted.
(I'm sure you've all heard about the 4 cops that were killed in cold blood in washington state this weekend),
Okay, we all know where I am going with this.
This guy has a rap sheet a mile long, he has been in the clink for at least a dozen felonies.
The then Gov. of Arkansas commuted his 108 year sentence to 47 years, making him eligible for parole. This after 5 felony convictions in that state alone! This was back in 2000 when Mike Huckabee was running the show in Arkansas.
Mr. Huckabee, it's a good thing you are not the gov. there anymore because I would be calling for your immiediate resignation.
I certainly hope you do not get the Republican nomination for President in 2012. If you can't display any better judgement than that, you have no business running this country, and I certainly will not vote for you.
I am putting this squarely on your shoulders. You have ruined the lives of four families, and shattered a whole community.
I will say this, Washington state (Pierce County) also has some culpability in this as they also let him out, while a pending child rape charge is on his plate.
if Huckabee doesn't commute him in the first place, he never even gets to Washington state and four police officers are still alive.
Granted, some of this occured when Clemmons was "under age" 16 or 17, but guess what, I don't care.
At age 18 he was convited of theft of property, and burglary.
I know some of the people will say,
"Well, Huckabee didn't pull the trigger, and he can't be held accountable for what this guy does.....blah blah blah"
That's a load of crap.
This guy has a VIOLENT history, it's not like he was in there for shoplifting.
There was no rehabilitating this guy, no chance of him being a decent member of society, none, zippo, nada.
You have to know by reading this guy's rap sheet, being in the postion you were in at the time,
he had NO business out among the decent folks.
As you all know I am a staunch conservative, but this is was just wrong.
I hope you are sleeping well tonight Mr. Huckabee, due to your horrible judgement, there is a whole community in Washington state that is not.

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