Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Letter to Huessein Obama

This venerable and much honored WW II vet is well known in Hawaii
for his seventy-plus years of service to patriotic organizations and causes all over the country. A humble man without a political bone in his body, he has never spoken out before about a government official, until now. He dictated this letter to a friend, signed it and mailed it to the president.

Dear President Obama,

My name is Harold Estes, approaching 95 on December 13 of this year. People meeting me for the first time don't believe my age because I remain wrinkle free and pretty much mentally alert.

I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1934 and served proudly before, during and after WW II retiring as a Master Chief Bos'n Mate. Now I live in a "rest home" located on the western end of Pearl Harbor , allowing me to keep alive the memories of 23 years of service to my country.

One of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt and direct even to the head man.

So here goes.

I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish.

I can't figure out what country you are the president of.
You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like:
" We're no longer a Christian nation"

" America is arrogant" - (Your wife even
announced to the world," America is mean-
spirited. " Please tell her to try preaching
that nonsense to 23 generations of our
war dead buried all over the globe who
died for no other reason than to free a
whole lot of strangers from tyranny and

I'd say shame on the both of you, but I don't think you like America, nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do, for the obvious gifts this country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House.

After 9/11 you said," America hasn't lived up to her ideals." Which ones did you mean?

1. Was it the notion of personal liberty that 11,000 farmers and shopkeepers died for to win independence from the British?

2. Or maybe the ideal that no man should be a slave to another man, that 500,000 men died for in the Civil War?

3. I hope you didn't mean the ideal 470,000 fathers, brothers, husbands, and a lot of fellas I knew personally died for in WWII, because we felt real strongly about not letting any nation push us around, because we stand for freedom.

4. I don't think you mean the ideal that says equality is better than discrimination. You know the one that a whole lot of white people understood when they helped to get you elected.

Take a little advice from a very old geezer, young man.

Shape up and start acting like an American. If you don't, I'll do what I can to see you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue . You were elected to lead not to bow, apologize and kiss the hands of murderers and corrupt leaders who still treat their people like slaves.

And just who do you think you are telling the American people not to jump to conclusions and condemn that Muslim major who killed 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded dozens more. You mean you don't want us to do what you did when that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in Massachusetts , who was putting up a fight? You don't mind offending the police calling them stupid but you don't want us to offend Muslim fanatics by calling them what they are, terrorists.

One more thing. I realize you never served in the military and never had to defend your country with your life, but you're the Commander-in-Chief now, son. Do your job. When your battle-hardened field General asks you for 40,000 more troops to complete the mission, give them to him. But if you're not in this fight to win, then get out. The life of one American soldier is not worth the best political strategy you're thinking of.

You could be our greatest president because you face the greatest challenge ever presented to any president.
You're not going to restore American greatness by bringing back our bloated economy. That's not our greatest threat. Losing the heart and soul of who we are as Americans is our big fight now.
And I sure as hell don't want to think my president is the enemy in this final battle...

Harold B. Estes

(Blog today brought to you by my good freind T R.)

*This letter was confirmed by Snopes.*

Friday, June 18, 2010

Obama admin sues Arizona

(if you click the headline "Obama admin sues Arizona" it will take you to the story)

Okay, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse. Your lovely commander in chief has decided to sue Arizona over their new immigration laws. This is an out and out trampiling of states rights. Not to mention the fact Hilary Rodham told a foriegn country's people their intent before Arizona even knew about it! What in the wide, wide, world of sports is going on here? (that was a reference to a movie called "Blazing Saddles" fyi)

This is EXACTLY what we fought the Revolutionary War over. The right to govern ourselves!
I agree that federal law should trump state law, on certain things. Obviously we can't have the state of Arkansas (for example) declaring war on Iran. But something like this, where the feds have completley failed to do anything, people are going to take action.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ring a bell, Obama? Maybe you ought to read the document that has that line in it.
The people of Arizona are being swallowed whole by illegal immigrants. Everybody seems to know that except you. Who the hell are you to tell the people of Arizona they can't protect their property and families? You are arrogant. And although you were eligible to be elected president, you certainly are not qualified. You are easily the worst president since Carter, hands down, not even close.
I am going to say this is about as close to treason as it gets! He is failing in his sworn duty to protect these United States, and the citizens in it. By suing Arizona, he is going to try and usurp that states authority to protect itself, in effect, treason.

I have said it many times folks. A second civil war is coming, I used to think it maybe it would be over taxes, and maybe not in our lifetimes. Now, I am not so sure.
This immigration thing is getting out of control, and with this lawsuit, I really am not wanting to think what could happen. I hate to be a doomsday kind of guy. But I guarantee you this, if this was the 1700's or 1800's, we already be at war over something like this.

If it comes down to it, I would wager 99% of the country is with you Arizona. I know I am!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Obama is a wolf in sheeps clothing

Hey all!
Yeah, I know I have been severly shirking my duties as your blogger.
Well, I'm back baby!
Now then, lets get to it.
Oh Obama, Obama, Obama.
First he decides that we need to have a world with no nukes, then he turns right around and declares Europe is a major threat to be hit by Al-Qaeda with a nuke.
So let me get this straight, we are going to disarm ourselves and Russia, so if the towel heads ever do get a nuke, we will have nothing to respond with.
Let me just axe you a question,
"Are you a ruh-tard?"
"Are you really that stupid?"
I guess we all assume it will be a terrorist group that blows up a nuke, and there will be no country to retaliate against.
what happens if it's not.
What if China goes crazy, or India, or Pakistan.
What then Huessein Obama?
Do you understand that the USA by being stronger than the rest of the world is what has kept the peace.
You see folks, he is a Muslim, radical Islamic apologist.
Make no mistake about it, if "the one" could make Islam the official religion of this country, he would do it in a second.
We would all be reading from the Koran, every day and getting our little prayer blankets out.
I'm tellin' you guys, he is dangerous, and needs to be voted out next time around.
Remember to support the troops!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Cop killer sentence commuted in 2000

Cop killer sentence commuted.
(I'm sure you've all heard about the 4 cops that were killed in cold blood in washington state this weekend),
Okay, we all know where I am going with this.
This guy has a rap sheet a mile long, he has been in the clink for at least a dozen felonies.
The then Gov. of Arkansas commuted his 108 year sentence to 47 years, making him eligible for parole. This after 5 felony convictions in that state alone! This was back in 2000 when Mike Huckabee was running the show in Arkansas.
Mr. Huckabee, it's a good thing you are not the gov. there anymore because I would be calling for your immiediate resignation.
I certainly hope you do not get the Republican nomination for President in 2012. If you can't display any better judgement than that, you have no business running this country, and I certainly will not vote for you.
I am putting this squarely on your shoulders. You have ruined the lives of four families, and shattered a whole community.
I will say this, Washington state (Pierce County) also has some culpability in this as they also let him out, while a pending child rape charge is on his plate.
if Huckabee doesn't commute him in the first place, he never even gets to Washington state and four police officers are still alive.
Granted, some of this occured when Clemmons was "under age" 16 or 17, but guess what, I don't care.
At age 18 he was convited of theft of property, and burglary.
I know some of the people will say,
"Well, Huckabee didn't pull the trigger, and he can't be held accountable for what this guy does.....blah blah blah"
That's a load of crap.
This guy has a VIOLENT history, it's not like he was in there for shoplifting.
There was no rehabilitating this guy, no chance of him being a decent member of society, none, zippo, nada.
You have to know by reading this guy's rap sheet, being in the postion you were in at the time,
he had NO business out among the decent folks.
As you all know I am a staunch conservative, but this is was just wrong.
I hope you are sleeping well tonight Mr. Huckabee, due to your horrible judgement, there is a whole community in Washington state that is not.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, Marxists,
Obama supporters, et al:
We have stuck together since the late 1950's, but the whole of this lastest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we toleretaed each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has run its course. Our two idealogical sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right so lets just end it on freindly terms. We can smile and just chalk it up to irreconcilable diferences and go our own way.
Here is a model seperation agreement:
Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by landmass each taking a portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy!
We don't like redistributive taxes so you can keep them. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU, and abortion clinics. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA, and the military.
You can keep the frauds that are Oprah Winfrey, Michael Moore, and Rosie O'donnell.
We will also keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart and Wall Street.
You can have your beloved homeless, homeboys, hippies, and illegal aliens. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms and rednecks. We'll keep the bibles, and give you Hollywood and NBC.
You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll reatin the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us.
You can have the peaceniks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.
We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values. You are welcome to the violence of the so called "peaceful" religion of Islam, the Scientologists, Humanism and Shirley McClain. You may also have the U N., but we will no longer be paying the bill.
We'll keep the SUV's pick-up trucks and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find.
You cn give everyone health care, IF you can find any participating doctors. We'll continue to believe health care is a luxury not a right. We'll keep the battle hymn of the Republic and the National Anthem.
We'll practice trickle down economics, and you can give trickle up poverty your best shot.
Oh, we'll also be keeping our history, flag, and our name. Since these things so offend you.
In the spirit of freindly parting, I'll wager you ANWAR whom will need who's help in 15 years.
And one more thing:
The preceding was brought to you by a law student named John J. Wall.
(and sent to me by my aunt Colleen.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tornado Forming Video

Here is the video I shot of a tornado forming over Lees Summit, Missouri yesterday 8-10-09. It's not an F4 or anything, and didn't rip thru anybody's house. (luckily) It just kind of cme down and went back up 4 or 5 times, still pretty cool though.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


First of all, a great big thanks to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers during my surgery and recovery.
But mostly to my beautiful wife Rebecca, who has put up with my whiny little ass thru the whole thing.
Thanks honey!
Anyway, things are progressing just fine, I feel great and no problems!
Now, on with the important stuff lol.
Obama says police acted "stupidly"
is it just me or does the leader of the free world have better things to do than get involved in a routine police arrest of someone?
Wether or not the cop(s) were right or wrong in arresting the guy, I don't know.
What I do know is it is not something for the United States President to get involved in.
I don't care if the guy is a freind of yours or not, you should've just said,
"I have no comment on that."
And moved on.
I submit you acted stupidly, Obama.
"Key Democat concedes they need GOP votes to pass health care reform"
Thank the lord for small miracles!
Guys, this thing CANNOT pass I don't care if your a 'publican or democat.
You really want our gov't running the health care system? Because that's exactly what will happen.
I sure don't.
They want to tax "the rich" even more to pay for it, which is a bunch of crap. It's all a trickle down effect people. What a great idea, lets tax the hell out of people who make more than $150,000 a year and then wonder why they aren't buying the big ticket items anymore that provide jobs for everybody.
Who do you think buys the boats, new cars, new houses etc etc every year.
When they do that, it provides jobs for sales people, builders, repair people and the list goes on and on.
Lord, how retarded can we get?
Oh, don't look now but the Cubs are in first palce (barely) as of 7/28/09
And Hawkeye football is just around the corner!
Well, I guess that's it for now.
Support the troops and