Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Steve Irwin, Australia's 'Crocodile Hunter,' Dead at Age 44

This is a bummer.
I enjoyed watching his antics with animals as much as the next guy....but damn dude...it was just a matter of time. See, this is why God allowed us to invent, golf, and softball and whatever else. Playing with things like snakes that can kill ten full grown men with an ounce of venom....er......not good.
Tests May Indicate 'Significant' Oil Discovery in Gulf of Mexico:
What? The enviro-whackos are actually letting us do this? Are we sure we haven't killed off the rare and endangered bottom-of-the-ocean-sanddwelling-giant-toe-picking-amoebas that live there?
Folks, there is LOTS more oil out there despite what they're telling you, we just have to go find it.
Iran's Ahmadinejad Challenges Bush to a Debate, Defies U.N. Nuke Deadline:
Okay dumbshit....how about this, I'll debate your retard towel head dumbass facist piece of crap, and you will get destroyed. I can guarantee you this, you'll be thinking twice about your beliefs when I'm done with you. (eh...never mind, maybe not,I'm sure you're way too brainwashed)
Youth football coach allegedly attacks kid
Assistant Petero allegedly rushed field after his child received late hit:
Um.....not good coach. Nice example to set. I hope they make an example out of you, and you get the maximum.
Well, I hope eveybody had a great weekend. I spent mine at the lake with some freinds for my g'freinds 40 th b-day.
Igot to watch the Iowa game with five hotties fromIowa City at Pickled Petes at the lake.....their names are being withheld to protect the innocent ; ) They had 10.00 bottomless cup ...glad I left when I did.
Well, thanks for dropping by......World tourney in two weeks!