Hmmmm......lets see......the guys name is Derrick Shareef.
Still think we shouldn't be targeting young, middle eastern men at airports?
I thought not.
Now, I don't know wether or not this guy is Iraqi or what, rest assured he has some tie to the radical muslims.
Bet on it.
Palestinian PM Vows to Tehran That Hamas Will Never Recognize Israel:
Of course he doesn't. The so called "peaceful" Palestineans ELECTED a TERRORIST government. They hate the Jews, Catholics, Americans....everybody who doesn't think and believe as they do are infidels who must be killed. That's it folks.
Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Syria, they are all in on it.
It's comin' guys, and we better get heads out of the sand and stop these idiots before it's too late.
You think the Nazis were bad? They're the fuzzy pumper barber shop compared to these goons.
Girl Mauled by Captive Cougar:
There ought to be laws and against crap like this.
Hmmm......lets see...I want to start a business...how about.....I know, we'll gather a bunch of wild animals and put them "up for rent" at little kids parties!
How about we start with a mountain lion? (cougar) Yeah, yeah that's it.
And we'll take it to these little girls parties where they are all screaming and running around, it should be fine.
It's just a mountain lion for gods sake, just because a grown man wouldn't have a chance against it.....what the hell?
And why the hell if you're a parent, could you POSSIBLY think this is a good idea?
See, this is why you don't have things like burmese pythons, pit bulls, boa constrictors, and cougars as "pets" or "things to be rented out"