Friday, November 02, 2007

Double OT win

Well, my hawks pulled out a double OT win over Mich St, what a game to drive up for last Saturday. Had a riot, we did "The Macarena" after the game at the tailgate.
Okay...on to more serious stuff..
I see the nut jobs from the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, KS lost an 11 million dollar lawsuit.
These are the idiots that protest soldiers funerals because they think God hates America, because of the tolerance of gays in this country.
Just for the record, do I think being gay is wrong, yes I do.
Do I think you should brainwash, and fill little kids full of hate and anger because someone is gay and you disagree with that, which is what these idiots do, ABSOLUTELY NOT.
I would be willing to bet brainwashing little kids and teaching them to hate is almost as bad as anything out there in gods eyes.
You know these people are so holier than thou, they don't even understand these heroes paid the ultimate price FOR THEIR RIGHT TO PROTEST.
So, basically they are protesting themselves......did that even make sense...I dunno...but it sounded cool.
; )
I have seen and heard the leader of this cult, which is what it is, try and have a civil conversation with anybody, it's not possible for him to do so.
It turns into a yelling and shouting match, and you get called an agent of evil, and a satan worshipper and on and on and on.
And although I cannot find it in my heart to feel sorry for these people, I do fear for the kids in this cult, they have been brainwashed and do not know any better.
I see a horrible end for this evil cult.
Their leader is an absolute certifiable psycho, who would stop at nothing to get his point across.
They will end up having a mass suicide, drinking kool-aid ala James Jones @ Guyana, or some such thing.
One last shot for you "Rev." Phelps, I'm right down the street here in Lees Summit,
come down and see me sometime, but since I'm sure you don't have the 'nads for that, send one of your jack booted karate black belts on down.
Oh yeah, I'm sure they can't read or write or follow directions, since they are following a person of your ilk, they obviously are not very smart.
You claim to be all about god and this and that....hmmm.....funny.... you sure are judgemental for a "man of god."
I'm sure your judgement day will be short lived.
Do the the three letters R-O-T have any special meaning for you Rev.?
.....they will.