Well, okay not bad. How about this though.......
Put a mine field about 1 foot over the border on our side, that'll end this problem in a hurry, I'd think.
Venezuela: U.S. Arms Embargo Is Prelude to Invasion :
hahahahahhaahahahahha......oh oh...Hugo, you're killin' me bruthuh! We just kicked out two of the most brutal regimes in history that are 5,000 miles away.......and your little punk ass is just south of the border a little ways, you really think we need an arms embargo to throw your fanny out......let me ponder that for a sec...um no. Get over yourself there, Hugo.
Shouldn't you be making coffee or something with Juan Valdez?
Sea Lions Waddle Amok at Southern California Marina:
Nothing a deer rifle wouldn't take care of, seal steak anyone? hee hee.
Ohio Man Said to Be Missing From Royal Caribbean Cruise:
All right, why the hell does this keep happening? Retarded. This is like getting hit by a train. You know where the tracks are, you know wich way the train is coming from, and wich way it's going to go, it's not like it can suddenly change directions or something. Good heavens.
Guess what...109 days 'til hawkeye football!!