Okay, I had to put that headline in because that was the headline.
The guy hates gay people...so what? This is an issue because the media is once again making it an issue.
If you don't want to know the answer to a question, then don't ask the damn question. If you're going to ask people questions like this, and they give you an honest answer with how they feel, and you don't like it. TOUGH.
He's homophobic, big deal...who cares?
It is America, and he's entitled to his opinion, he can feel anyway he wants to towards them.
He's not out committing violence against them. If they make him uncomfortable, then they make him uncomfortable. Too bad, get over it mr. reporter from Miami.
It's a tough world, there are some people who aren't going to like certain other people.
Guess what, the Islamic Facists want us all dead.
What do you have to say to that?
I am getting sick and tired of this bullshit.
I HATE child molesters....so I guess I'm "filled with hate".......oh well.
I guess I'll get over it.
I'd hate to think a high and mighty reporter from Miami thinks I'm "filled with hate"