Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bentley appeals, wants new trial

So friggin' what if this juror did research this so called book. It doesn't have anything to do with wether or not this Satan on earth (Bentley) killed this little girl. This kind of crap drives me bonkers. Is it just me, or does it seem like it's all about protecting the criminals. Somebody up there go ahead and take this puke out!
PLEASE Iowa reinstate the death penalty.
Man arrested after leading cops to meth lab:
I guess cookin' al that meth made you stupid too.
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy:
My fiances sisters little boy just got this, was kind of a weird deal. He's going to be okay,but here's just some info on it just in case. The emergency room Doc said they've only had like five cases of this in five years or so.....
Hillary Clinton Gives Praise to President Bush:
*cough cough* Say what.......???
I have a thousand dollars that says there is an alterier motive behind this, I have not yet ascertained what dastardly purpose it is yet, but let not your heart be troubled...I will.
Boys Aged 13, 14 Suspected in 7 Canadian Bank Robberies:
Well, here's something you don't see every day.
Okay, that's it for today people. I have a hot dtae with the dentist this afternoon.