......he called Dick Cheney a terrorist.....right Alec. You want to know what terrorism is, paying 10.00 to see one of your movies. Thats terrorism!
Bad mudslide in Phillipines, come on guys get to those kids! (insert prayer here)
God, can we use our time a little more wisely please? Oh, my feelings are hurt because this commerates Texas independence..SO WHAT? It's a fact, that's what happend you butt darts, get over it!
I don't know about you guys, but I sure as hell don't want them running our ports,
the UAE has recognized The Taliban as a legit gov't, they weren't supporting them, just recognizing them. I hope Bush vetoes this, but don't think he's going to, I happen to think this is really bad folks.
Poor Katie Couric, how is she going to make it? A 7 mil. pay cut? whoa!!
Actually, Katie's alright she does lots of stuff with colin cancer fund raising and things of that nature.
And finally,
my beloved black and gold put on a horid show Saturday in Minneapolis all I have to say to that is "BLEAH"
That's all for 02/20/06 hope ya had a good weekend!