Monday, August 21, 2006

Chicken Little and George Bush

This is from a letter in the Depressed Citizen the Iowa City Press Citizen:
my response follows below
The fable of the bird who raised the alarm about impending catastrophe has again become common knowledge thanks to Disney animators. Distinguishing between the prophet and the fool becomes much more complicated, however, when our politicians evoke fear in order to consolidate power. It is disgraceful, contemptible and effective.
"Terrorism" is Chicken Little's (and George W.'s) cry, but guerrilla warfare and even acts of terror have their roots in injustice. Iraq is occupied, Lebanon is occupied, and so is Palestine. Military force will continue to fail until the injustices are addressed and rectified.
The United States will continue to be mistrusted in the Middle East until its foreign policy embraces justice for the Palestinians. Israel will continue to be unsafe until it chooses to live in peace with justice with its Palestinian neighbors. And young American men will continue to be recruited (and subsequently die) for a foreign policy that considers the rights and safety of some people more precious than the rights and safety of others.
Paul MeyerIowa City
"When our politicians evoke fear in order to consolidate power. It is disgraceful, contemptible and effective."
Um...Paul....little news flash here.....if I'm hearing you right, and I think I these little incidents come to mind:
Planes flying into towers
Marines in Beruit
Kohbar Towers
U S S Cole
IMPENDING catastrophe? I think not. See Paul, it's not IMPENDING it's already happened, have you not been paying attention?
And yes Paul, Saddam had WMD's he used them on the Kurds....he would've used them on us. Unfortunately the libs like you, the Clinton lovers, the terrorist appeasers, and the blame America first crowd, are blind to that fact.
Paul, do you understand that Islamic facists have been around 200 years before the United States of America was even a thought? So to even suggest that it's our fault somehow, is just absolute blind march in step to the ultra left Bush hating appeasing idiots.
If anybody is to blame, try ole' Slick Willie for gutting our military and CIA and FBI to the point Usama and Sadddam thought we were weak enough to pull off a 9/11 with no consequences. Yes Paul, they were in it together, there's hundreds of documents PROVING it. Maybe Saddam wasn't directly involved in 9/11 but Al Qaeda had been training in Iraq for well as Syria and Iran. And by the way, I've heard first hand a former terrorist say as much down here on the radio in K C.
So you're the ones trying the misdirection, smoke and mirrors stuff, not the Bush administration. Have they made some mistakes, sure. Going into Iraq was NOT one of them.
Wake up Paul, or your one of the ones going to be bowing your head every couple hours while prayer music blasts from loud speakers thru out the city. (what would the ACLU do then?)