How can this be?
I thought global warming was killing everything......this just isn't possible.
Somebody call ALGORE!!!
Holy hole in the ozone batman. (NOT)
So if we're just now finding all these creatures obviously they've been here for quite sometime....therefore the "warming of the oceans" isn't killing them at all....in fact it may be PRODUCING life if anything.
So maybe all this was supposed to happen. Maybe the Earth is supposed to warm up....who knows....well...one person knows....and pretty sure he isn't talking.
More evidence against the global warming myth.
All you alarmist, ultra left libs out there.....keep it up....you're really making yourselves look bad.
Hell, keep it up and we've already won the white house in '08.
I luv it!!!
Well, we won our spring softball league.
We ended up 9-1.....we lost the very first game of the year....then went on a 9 game streak...in wich we averaged almost 18 runs a game...while giving up just under 7 runs per outing...wich is a difference of 11 runs a game...for our efforts we won championship T-shirts and probably qualified for some national tourney somewhere or something....but we probably won't go to that one.
Anyway, have a good weekend!