You sick bastards. I wish they could fry every single one of you. the way, did I mention what happens to people like you in the penitentiary? I am trying to keep this at most a PG rated site, so I can't really get into it the specifics.
As Arnold said "Hasta La Vista, Baby"
U.S. Confirms Thwarted Al Qaeda Attack on Green Zone:
Do you want to bet me a 1,000.00 you won't see this story on ANY network news station? Why, you ask? Because anything good that happens over there is bad for the ultra left wing ding dongs wich controls the media. Pretty simple, huh?
'Blood in, blood out'
Prosecutors lay out case in Aryan Brotherhood trial:
Prosecutors lay out case in Aryan Brotherhood trial:
Another bunch of idiots, you clowns are no better than the terrorists. Ta Ta.
This is from a letter to the editor in the Iowa City Press Citizen
Stop villianizing the foreign:
At least 265,000 gallons of oil were discovered March 2 to have leaked from a corroded pipeline at the northern tip of Alaska, making it the largest pipeline spill on record in the North Slope oil field. This was reported March 10 by Alaska's Department of Environmental Conservation. A second leak also was detected March10 in a separate transmission line in the North Slope complex, about 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. The extent or cause of that spill was not known.
The operator of this pipeline is a foreign, and therefore evil company (BP Exploration-Alaska). Why have our U.S. representatives and senators allowed this to happen? Why have they not protected our country from these polluting foreigners? Where have Tom and Chuck and Jim been? Where was Hillary? How can we allow foreigners to pollute our sacred land?
Oust all foreign companies at once! Save our country from foreigners! Oh, Congress in its wisdom must protect us.
Harold L. HammondCoralville
My response to this aforementioned letter is as follows:
Um...Harold, are you retarded? First of all the fact that a foriegn company runs the pipeline, and it spilled a bunch of oil, pretty much makes my point for me.
I can only assume the tone of your letter is refering to the ports deal that has been squashed, thankfully. Secondly, running a pipeline 300 miles from the Arctic Circle where there is not millions of people, and running six major ports of entry to the U S where millions of people do live is quite another. Harold, let me go ahead and break this down for you, a MIDDLE EASTERN country (albeit one that professes to be our "ally") wants to control and run six major ports of entry to the U S, not only that, although they wouldn't have been in charge of security, they would've had access to every security procedure in place. Wich means, guess what Harold .... ....DING DING DING...YES......they would know how to bypass security. (Johnny, tell him what he wins!!)
All it would take is ONE....bribe, guy, whatever.
Thirdly, they wouldn't have to send a bomb thru, they could purposely create a labor dispute with the union, port shuts down, all of a sudden we're using corn stalks for toilet paper. (wich really wouldn't work out for your humble blogger, most of you know why)
Is that good Harold, or do you need more? That's good? Okay now shut your happy hole, before I have to give you another beat down.
You know folks, it is amazing to me how stupid people are. I can't stand it.
Beautiful day in K C today....67 or so...goin' home to grill some burgers on the deck, and maybe have an adult bevereage..thanks for stopping by......stay safe!!