Friday, May 12, 2006

Reading, Writing and Race

This is quite a little story.
I guess the facts are the facts and scores on tests don't lie, but wow. This is a bit of a stretch.
Now the slavery thing is entirely different, we absolutley should not have to compensate for that. If you go back thru history, almost every single group, race, or whatever has been enslaved by somebody or another at different times. Somebody was always conquering somebody, and taking the men, women, and children to do whatever with. But this guy has some major cahonees!
NSA phone number collection data.
Okay, lets clear something up here, the feds were collecting phone record data, yes. But essentially what it amounted to was what numbers were calling what numbers. They weren't listening to your conversations, they aren't going to kick down your door and search your house.....or any such thing. And by the way, a handful of the major companies are the ones that turned the numbers over, for a small fee of course. The only one that didn't that was asked, was Qwest. So if you want to be mad about it, be mad about YOUR phone company turning over YOUR info to the gov't for money. Hope that clears up this confusion.
Graduation Decision Faces A Holdenville High School Senior:
They say their policy is everyone has to wear a cap and gown, guess what, make an exception......he is going to fight for US here people. And no, you don't have to make an exception for every other Tom, Dick and Harry that may want to wear their "ethnic" or "religious" bullcrap. This is AMERICA, he just graduated from one of the toughest boot camps in the world, he's going to go fight so his classmates can go to college, drink beer, and do all the fun stuff college kids do.
And I'll bet it's more liberal ass crap, than "school policy" after all we are dealing with
"educators" here.
Okay, I have to go, I am going to write a letter to the stupid ass superintendent!
Have a good weekend, stay safe.....thanks for stoppin' by!!