Oh good....I was worried the Mexicans didn't agree with us on something...good god!
What in the world?
A little ways farther down in the article it lists the countries that "disagree" with us about executing this piece of garbage:
Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea and Spain
Hmmmm....shocking. Lets go thru it one by one, shall we....
Britian: I was a little surprised at this one, but still they are the uppity Brits.
Canada: Yeah right, shocking, they enjoy the benefit of the of the U S being in the same hemisphere so they could care less.
Germany: Uh.....we got our asses handed to us in the first two world wars...so we aren't saying *hit.
Italy: Who?
South Korea: Do they even know what the death penalty is?
Spain: Sorry, the Spanish Inquisition is no more.
Folks, who comes up with this crap, do we have something better to do than worry about who agrees with us on the death penalty. He murdered 5,000 American, non-combatants, in cold blood.
He dies.