Thursday, February 23, 2006

"Port Snort"

This thing just keeps getting more bizzare, now it appears Bush knew nothing of the sale until just recently. Who the hell is supposed to be keeping him informed on this stuff? I mean I know he's the prez and all, but he can't watch everything all the time.
A few facts about our supposed "allies" that want to take this over: UAE
1. A large percentage of 9/11 money from Al-Qaeuda went thru their banks
2. They have smuggled nukes for Pakistan
3. Two of the hi-jackers on 9/11 came from there.
4. They recognized "The Taliban" as a legit gov't.
These are just a few of the things I've found out on my own, I'm sure there is more.
Some of the 'publican pundits are spouting about how we need to support them because they've helped us in the war on terror. People, with "allies" like this, who needs terrorists?
They SHOULD be helping with the war on terror, it's not just America they want destroyed, it's everybody and everyone that does not agree with them, period. (America just happens to be at the top of the list) We need to do what's best for us, here in the U S......that would mean NOT turning over the ports to these guys.
(For the record, you all know I'm pretty much a staunch Bush supporter)
I see South Dakota is getting it figured out...good for them.
Some good news for the jobless:
Of course you blame the U S you stupid *hit, because you run a country of extremists who have been totally and completely BRAINWASHED:
Hey, not every story I have is going to be depressong on here/dog rescue:
Okay.....that's all I have for now thanks for stoppin' by!!
And thanks to all our current and former men and women in the military doing what they do so I can do what I do. (Like this blog!)