Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Carrie Prejan's remarks

Carrie Prejan Miss California


I'm sure you've all heard the flap about this by now.

She has stated she thinks she lost the contest due to her remark:

"I think marriage should be between a man and a woman."

Wether or not she lost the contest because of that isn't my point.

We have a little something in this country called,


The gay rights people and the ultra libs are going absolutely bonkers over this.

Where's the "tolerance" you guys are always harping on?

All she said was,

"I believe marriage should be between a man and a woman."

She didn't say all gay people will burn in hell, she didn't say lesbians should be drawn and quartered.

That's what she believes, if you think it's wrong then fine, if not fine too.


But these people that preach tolerance of other peoples morals, and ideals are always the first ones to jump on somebody when they don't believe what they believe.

It is so typical of the Obama, Pelosi, Clinton bunch.

It smacks of hypocrisy.

It's a joke.

For the record, I believe as Miss runner up USA does, marriage should be between a man and a woman.

You know, if anything she would've won the thing BECAUSE of what she said.

What is more american than Miss USA standing up for what she believes in, which also happens to be a basic right as an american:


I was watching her on one of the talk shows this morning with Matt Lauer, (because that's what you do when you're unemployed, lol.)

and he seemed to me to be just completeley disgusted by her remarks.

He asked her, "If you knew you would win the crown, would you change your answer?"

She said,

"No, absolutely not"

Lauer said something to the fact of,


Like he couldn't believe she wouldn't give up her core beliefs to win the crown.


My hats off to you Miss runner up, stick to your guns!!

This would be rerally funny if the winner has to relinquish her crown for some reason or another and the runner up ends up getting it.

I will laugh my ass off.
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