Thursday, March 09, 2006

Eminent refues to loan to private developers...

This is a big story guys. A little background on Eminent Domain. It means the government can take your land for public use. Basically if it serves the greater good, like if a road, or bridge, etc. etc. What has been happening is the government in some cities is in bed with developers who want to take valuable land, say beachfront, lakefront, and put condos in, or whatever. What they will do is make the landowner/homeowner sell it under this law. The government will supposedly give you a "fair" price for it, then sell it to the developer. Thereby creating more tax revenue with the condos.
The only problem is they have twisted this law into meaning they can take it for this purpose, wich is not right. It is not supposed to be for private developers to be able to do this.
So, what his bank is doing is saying "no" if you're taking private owners land, we're not giving you the money. This is awesome!
There are two big cases going on right now over this, one is out on the East Coast I know, and the guy is a WWII vet, and has had this house for decades. And it's not in some run down area, and the house is not all junked out either. So good for this bank....luv it.
Ex-teacher takes 18 pupils hostage:
Okay, I would say somebody in the French swat team get him in the crosshairs and pop a cap in his head...oh...wait.....we're talking France here, know......France... the country that couldn't handle a few marauding punk Muslim teenagers. Lets see, you've got 18 kids in there....he goes beserk at any second and they are all dead......lets "negotiate" um no, you take his ass out now. Period.
Ohio woman accused of killing granddaughter :
It says "accused" but she did it. I find it interesting she murders her g'daughter in cold blood and could be eligible for parole in 23 years? WRONG! If she is insane, all the more reason to get her off the friggin' planet. Bye bye....all gone..ta ta. Take a powder.
Why do we call it a hot water heater........if the water is already hot, why do we need to heat it? Shouldn't it just be a "water heater" Think about it.
That's all for today kids.....I have conference tourneys to watch...geez...ya think I just sit around and blog all day? Later,