Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"You study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. And if you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

I'm sure we've all heard the statement by now from John Kerry.
Okay John, you SAY it was directed at the white house and Bush.
Did you know Bush went to Harvard AND Yale? I'm pretty sure he made an effort, and did his homework, and studied hard.
You won't apologize for such a statement?
You arrogant, pompous ass.
Your disdain for the military is as easy to spot as your "Lurch" face.
You hate Bush, you hate anything and everything that has to do with the military, and or national security. As long as you and your cohorts get in power, you don't care, you will do and or say ANYTHING, obviously.
You just handed the 'publicans the election. All of the undecided Republicans, or all of them that had decided not to vote, are now going to vote for Republicans. Just that one statement you made, John Kerry.
And you know what else, even if you did apologize, nobody would believe it.
John Kerry, you are the Terrel Owens' of politics.....keep talking, the more you talk , the more people realize what is going on.
You are a phony, power hungry, I can't take a stand on anything, idiot.
Keep talking!
I'm sure glad you're on the democats side......because you're the best player for our team!
Guys, we absolutely cannot trust the safety and security of this nation to the likes of a John Kerry and his ilk.
Whatever your stance on all the other issues, at this junctre does not matter.
With the Islamic radicals wanting to take over everything, god forbid it happens, but if it does, there won't be any's their way, or they chop off your head.
So like I say, keep talking John Kerry, and we'll have nothing to worry about.