Thursday, April 26, 2007

Poll: Americans and Mexicans Agree Usama bin Laden Should Be Executed

Poll: Americans and Mexicans Agree Usama bin Laden Should Be Executed:

Oh good....I was worried the Mexicans didn't agree with us on something...good god!
What in the world?
A little ways farther down in the article it lists the countries that "disagree" with us about executing this piece of garbage:
Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea and Spain
Hmmmm....shocking. Lets go thru it one by one, shall we....
Britian: I was a little surprised at this one, but still they are the uppity Brits.
Canada: Yeah right, shocking, they enjoy the benefit of the of the U S being in the same hemisphere so they could care less.
Germany: Uh.....we got our asses handed to us in the first two world we aren't saying *hit.
Italy: Who?
South Korea: Do they even know what the death penalty is?
Spain: Sorry, the Spanish Inquisition is no more.
Folks, who comes up with this crap, do we have something better to do than worry about who agrees with us on the death penalty. He murdered 5,000 American, non-combatants, in cold blood.
He dies.

Monday, April 23, 2007


I'm sure you're all wondering why I haven't chimed in on this yet, it's because i didn't want to give the psycho, foreign piece of garbage that did it any free publicity, because that's exactly what he wants.....and all like him.
Just one thing though, don't let the media, or Dr. Phil, or Rosie O'donnel or any of those people tell you it's society's fault, or the bully that picked on him at schools fault, or any such nonsense.
That's all I'll have to say about it.
Anyway, how was everybody's weekend? Really nice down here in K C..played ball on Saturday..we didn't do so hot this time qualifier next weekend.....we'll get 'em.
Report: Researchers Call for Study on WiFi's Health Effects:
Oh brother! Now I've heard everything....I know...... somebody give them a pile of money to do a study on this....oh wait...they are...or will anyway!
Report: Sheryl Crow's Solutions to Global Warming:
This is all very nice Cheryl, except for two things:
And number two...and this is the most would be discrimination against me, and all people with Crohns or Ulcerative Colitis!
I'm suing!!! hee hee.
11-year-old stops sick mom's van:
Nice work little girl!
...I know...just a short one today....but I'm off to the Docs for my tummy treatment!
Have a good one.....try and do another one tomorrow!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Report: Serial Killers Cleared by Iranian Supreme Court as Victims' Activities Were Un-Islamic

The Iranian Supreme Court has vacated the murder convictions of a group of serial killers because their victims were engaging in un-Islamic activities, the British Broadcasting Corp. reports.
The men were convicted for a series of grisly killings in the southeastern city of
Kerman in 2002. The vigilantes were said to believe that Islam condoned the killing of anyone engaged in illicit activities if they issued two warnings to the victims, the BBC reports.
At least 18 people were killed on the murder spree, but the men were only tried for five of the deaths. Some of the victims were stoned, others were suffocated and at least one man was buried alive, according to the vigilantes' confessions.
These men told the court that their understanding of the teachings of one Islamic cleric allowed them to kill
immoral people if they had ignored two warnings to stop their bad behavior, according to the BBC.
Supreme Court has overturned the verdict of a lower court that found all the men guilty of murder five times, according to lawyers for the victims' families. The vigilantes may still be liable for monetary damages.
See folks, this what we're fighting against.
Unfortunately this story doesn't specifically say what that included. My guess is they were practicing Christianity or writing articles, or blogs, (maybe not un-like this one) that were "un-Islamic".
They want everybody to think and act like them, there is no wiggle room.
These guys killed 18 people, because they didn't agree with what they were doing.
They weren't child molesters, they weren't rapists, or any such thing.
They killed these people as according to their belief.
This is what the Islamo-facists do. This is what they will do to us, if we don't wake up and smell the coffee.
They are brutal barbarians who will murder...all in the name of religion.
Of course we can never really engage them, because they are chicken *hit, and kill women and children as their first priority.
Not to mention sending women and CHILDREN on suicide bombing missions.
That's all for today guys!
Support the troops!

Friday, April 13, 2007


Dear Steve,
I know we haven't seen each other since 1987 but we'll eventually meet again. I promise...I've just been really busy.Sincerely,The NextLevel
Dear Steve,
Don't worry, I'll take you back.Missing you,The NIT
Dear Steve,
You lose basketball games like I lose weight.Sincerely,Jared from Subway
Dear Steve,
Don't listen to these people. I watched every game and feel you did a great job!!!!!Ray Charles
Dear Steve,
Before you say next level, be careful which button you pushed.Sincerely,Elevator
Dear Steve,
What do I do with this damn Hawkeye pool table?Love, Tanya
Dear Steve,
You Complete Me,Love, Steve
Dear Steve,
Since you have now left Iowa do you mind taking your players out from under me?From,The Bus
Dear Steve,
When you left Iowa you forgot me.fromYour dignity.
Dear Steve,
See you in 8 years.FromUNM pink slip
Dear Mr. Alford -
Please come to Indianapolis. I think we might have some things we need to talk about.Sincerely,MylesBrand
Dear Steve
Thank you for leaving me for the next coach!Signed2 million
Dear Steve,
Expectations are low here, you should fit in just fine.Signed,University of NewMexico
Dear Steve,
We're going to need to condition twice a day now with all this dry heat.Concerned,Your hair
Dear Steve,
I did some research and I regret to inform, Lobos doesn't translate to 'Next Level'.Buena suerte,Your high school spanish teacher
Dear Steve,
Don't worry, you're not the only one who took a wrong turn at Albuquerque.Bugs Bunny
Dear Steve:
Even I don't believe you.Sincerely,Commisioner of the Mountain West Conference
Dear Steve:
I'll miss you more than you will ever know. Thanks for everything.Sincerely,Greg McDermott
Dear Steve,
What's life like outside of Iowa?Pierre PiercePS: I need an agent, interested?
Dear Steve,
Can we at least have the “free” lawn mower back
Signed, John Deere Dealership

Dear Steve,
You used “ Iowa is a football school” like I told you too……priceless!
Coach Knight

Dear Steve,
You coach like I sing.
I love you, Sanjaya

Dear Steve,
Please return the salsa bowls you ‘borrowed’
Sincerely, Carlos O’Kelly’s

Dear Steve,
I’ve been waiting 8 years to tell you this. I love you, and I never wanted to see you go.
Love, Pat Hardy

Dear Steve,
You left me under your seat at Caver, Have some freaking respect…..I make you!
Sincerely, Hairgell

Dear Mr. Alford,
Please return the shower robe with the red “I” embroidered on it. If you would like to purchase one, they are available in our gift shop.
The Isotope Inn, Albuquerque

Dear Steve,
Thanks for hanging around for my senior year. You taught me a lot J
Katie (Pom Squad)

Dear Steve,
I’m sure it was just an oversight on your part, but you forgot to pay for brunch for you and your family last Sunday.
I had to cover for you, please stop by when you get back to town.
Signed, The waiter at El Pinto

We’ve decided to postpone publication of your memoir “Years of Hawkeye Glory.”
Yours, UI Press

Dear Steve
Lay off me. I’m starving!
Love, Tanya

GO HAWKEYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Busy Busy Busy

Okay, how is everybody?
I've been slackin' on my duties as your blog master...but I've been busier than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Softball has started, we're winning our spring league by the way....I took a part time job three nights a week pulling orders for a car parts place....kinda fun actually.
And so much has lets get to it....
Staples, Procter & Gamble Pull Advertising from Don Imus' Radio Show
Is it just me, or can we make a bigger deal of what... he called a bunch of basketball players something he probably shouldn't have....big deal.
Do we have bigger fish to fry....yeah....or at least you'd think we would.
Lets see, fatty, lesbian, bitch Rosie O'Donnell makes statements that should be considered treason, and NOTHING is done.
Hmmm...the priorities in this country are way out of whack people.
Panel Rules Homicide in Fetus Slaying:
Uh...excuse me...I'm sorry....COULD get the death penalty?
Fry this bitch...of course she's insane, all the more reason to kick her ass off the planet.
We have got to start executing these people, period. .
Gingrich vs. Kerry: Shoot-out at the climate change corral:
Somebody please tell me how John "I voted for it, before I voted against it" Kerry can possibly be wrong about EVERY SINGLE THING he says or does. It's unbelieveable.
Just what we need Kerry...more government regulation.
Newt is right on with this one, offer the incentives for a FREE MARKET society to get them.
See folks.....this is what democat liberals want...YOU to be dependent on THEM.
By the way, Mr. Kerry...don't go away mad, just go away.
PUHLEAZE!!!! (hee hee)
And last but not least:
Born in my hometown of Iowa City, Iowa.
He actually claims to be from Cedar Rapids, Iowa now...but he was born in good ole' I C.
A little bit of trivia for you, Cedar Rapids Regis High School (now Xavier) is Zach Johnsons alma mater...what other famous sports figure came from there....correct..Kurt Warner.
So, Regis...a Catholic High School has produced a two time NFL mvp and super bowl champion mvp (Warner)
as well as a Masters Champion....(Johnson)
Pretty impressive I'd say.
Have a good evening everybody.
As my buddy Gilly would've said,