I hope the American people have realized what they've done by electing a bunch of liberals.
They are going to try like hell to undo everything Bush has done. You know those nice tax cuts we got that jump started this economy....probably will be gone....get ready for higher taxes, a push to weaken the military and intellegence agency's. (ala slick willie)
And now we have ULTRA LEFT WHACK-O Nancy Pelosi will be third in line to run the most powerful country in the world.
Do you really think someone like her would have the moral conviction to defend this country should the need arise?
Do you really think she could push the button?
Hell no, she couldn't.
She'll want to sit down at the "negotiating" table and "talk"
Maybe we should throw a little hissy fit like the dems did back in 2000....oh oh oh...voter fraud, recount, recount!
You stole the election!
"The country wants a new direction"
Oh, my ass.
Fine, pull out of Iraq see what happens.
I hope the 'publicans can keep the white house come '08, if they can't, I guarantee we will be attacked again within a year of the election.
Nice work, American public....you just screwed us.