Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Mom Who Left Baby in Car Gets Five Years

You did Xanax, cocaine, and were drinking..and you get 5 years for leaving your 4 month old in the car......um, no. If your humble blogger were captain of the world..we'd be talking 20 to life. Oh, I "forgot" my kid was in here...yeah, maybe you ought to lay off the *hit.
MySpace.com Joke Leads to Sex Arrest:
Some pretty smart kids here, they should get an award of some type.
By the way, if you have kids that are on this site, make them be VERY CAREFUL they've had some major problems with this kind of stuff.....and kids have gotten hurt. So PLEASE monitor what they're doing on the 'net. This one turned out fine, for more on myspace.com read on....
Two Men Charged for Underage Sex Using MySpace.com:
As you read in the aforementioned article on here.
Again my stance on molesting little kids is the death penalty.....period....(as well as rape). This is out of control and the ONLY way to stop it is to kill the sick bastards. The "experts" tell us they can be rehabed, bullcrap, the repeat offense rate is sky high. And you can castarate them or whatever you want to do....it's not about the sexual gratification in most cases. It's about dominating and humiliating another person, in short "control". Please one time let me meet one of these sickos in an alley somewhere.
Jeanine Pirro Attacks MySpace.com: (New York State District Attorney)
You can never have enough info when it comes to the safety of your kids...still more on myspace.com
This is a story a news T V crew is doing about myspace:
Okay, I'll get off my preacher stand for now.......hope this helps.
Pretty serious blog today......but this is serious stuff.

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