Monday, April 03, 2006

I'm back!

Hey!! Did you miss me? (heh heh) Don't lie.
Anyway, most of you know I was off due to my Grandma Cannon passing away last week, everything went very well, except for the numnutts that cut into our funeral procession line and pulled into the Handi-Mart on Dubuque street.....I about pulled in there and gave him 240 lbs worth of blogger fury. (but I didn't)
Interesting fact:
On Wednesday at two minutes and three seconds after 1:00 A.M. in the morning, the time and date will be 01:02:03 04/05/06.That won't ever happen again.
(Thanks to Tracey for that one)
Immigration bill stirs local protest
More than 300 rally for march, speeches:
Here we go, it's not racist, it's not ignorance....It's against the law for you to be here without going thru the proper legal channels. PERIOD. It's awful funny how Mexico has big fences and towers up on their southern border...hmmm.....Why is that? Because you don't want illegals coming into your country, but it's okay for YOU to come HERE illegaly? I think not. Maybe we should put up some fences too.
Illegals have all but drained the health care systems in California, Arizona and New Mexico, because they don't pay for anything.
Friggin' idiot protesters. Do you realize you are protesting something that is the law?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Father questioned after children found dead in blazing car:
You're a real piece of work, buddy. I'm on the next flight to L A.....
Joke time:
My girlfiend and I were watching a news story last nite about Terry Schiavo. I told her that if I ever ended in up in a vegetative state, dependent on some electronic machine and nourished by only bottles of fluid, to just pull the plug. She got up from the couch, unplugged the TV and threw out my beer. ; )
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just a short one today kids, have to do laundry from the last five days of being in Iowa. I haven't even unpacked the car yet.! Anyway, thanks for coming by!

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