Wednesday, May 31, 2006

University to decide future of using cage-free eggs

Um.....can we maybe worry about more important things? Caged or non-caged chickens?
This just in, they're chickens!!! How much is this little venture going to cost? I'm sure it will be a catered affair.
Should we eat caged or non caged beef....if they have hamburgers or steak. And lets make sure we have the proper potato salad....with uncaged potatoes. And what about the green beans, better make sure they are from a field that has been properly rotated with corn every other year.
What in the name of Gods green Earth?
I'm not for abusing animals, don't get me wrong, and testing them for the makeup thing probably isn't good.
On the other hand, if hooking up a monkey's brain to a car battery can cure some guy from cancer ten years from now........guess what, red is positive, and black is negative!
Boy Found Alive Four Days After Disappearing on Camping Trip:
I'm glad they found the kid, and he's okay and everything.......but is it just me or does it seem like a really bad idea to take a kid with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity to a campsite that is, " A rugged area with steep cliffs and narrow ravines."
Doesn't really seem like the thing to do to me. Especially at eight years old.
Massachusetts Murderer Seeks Sex Change:
I'm going to go ahead and make the ruling on this:
The guy strangled his wife for Gods sake. It also says he may commit suicide if he doesn't get the surgery.....exactly why would that be a problem?
I like how his lawyers calls him "she" thruout the article. So from this point on, I'm going to refer to him as "it"
The article also refers to "it" as having "gender identity disorder" Why do we have to have a disorder for everything, it was Gods plan for you to be a boy, 'kay? Because you want to *uck it up does not mean we pay for it, 'kay?
Buh-bye now
Court Rejects Atheist's Claim Over Boy Scouts:
Wow.......some judges made the RIGHT decision for once.
Those horrible nasty Boy Scouts, making people swear an oth to god and country.
What's next.....dogs and cats sleeping together, fire and brimstome raining from the sky, mass hysteria!
I love the last line in this article as well......
"Scalise's attorney, Timothy Taylor of Mount Pleasant, said taxpayer-funded schools are too cozy with the Boy Scouts.
It's going on all over the country and has been for decades, he said."
Hold it, Tim Taylor? hee hee.
Buh-bye now.
A blind guy went bungi jumping, when he got done a spectator of the whole thing said,
"Hey, weren't you scared?"
The blind guy replied, "Nah, but it sure scared the shit out of my dog!"
Okay, that's it for today, first doublehedar of summer tonight league play.....weehah!
Thanx for stoppin' by!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Minutemen Offer Widespread Blame for Inflow of Illegals

Leah Yoon, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security's Customs and Border Patrol agency, said the Border Patrol has no qualms with the intentions of Americans who want border security, but is concerned that volunteer efforts at the border could do more harm than good.
"Securing the border is a dangerous task meant for highly trained law enforcement agents — Border Patrol — who are equipped to perform official duties of federal law enforcement officials. Well-intentioned individuals in an unforgiving terrain mixed with a volatile border environment can become counter productive to securing our nation's borders," Yoon's agency offered in a written statement.
Good God, can we go ahead and side step, and cut down a good thing the minutemen are tying to do here?
Okay Miss Yoon, then why doesn't your agency DO SOMETHING about getting Bush off his fanny about this...I know, I know we're sending some National Guard guys down there to go play soldier for a couple years....(nothing against the guard) but come on, they need more authority than we're giving I don't know, shoot to kill, that'd cut it off real quick, wouldn't it now? Almost every other country you try to sneak into in the world, wil you shoot you dead if they catch you sneaking in.
Maryland Jury Convicts Muhammad of Six Counts of Murder for Sniper Shootings:
Buh-bye now!
I'll have a good one tomorrow kids........but gotta get home and unpack and do laundry after a long 3 days of hard chargin' at da lake.
Thanks for comin' by!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Death penalty for second offense child molesters

South Carolina just became my second favorite state.
If you don't want to read this (wich I don't blame you) it basically says second offense child molesters can get the death penalty.
It is current legislation, not a law yet...but this is a step in the right direction!

C)(1) A person convicted of a violation of subsection (A)(1) is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, must be imprisoned for a mandatory minimum of twenty-five years, no part of which may be suspended or probation granted, or must be imprisoned for life. In the case of a person pleading guilty or nolo contendre to a violation of subsection (A)(1), the judge must make a specific finding on the record regarding whether the type of conduct that constituted the sexual battery involved sexual or anal intercourse by a person or intrusion by an object. In the case of a person convicted at trial for of a violation of subsection (A)(1), the judge or jury, whichever is applicable, must designate as part of the verdict whether the conduct that constituted the sexual battery involved sexual or anal intercourse by a person or intrusion by an object. If the person has previously been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendre to, or adjudicated delinquent for first degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor who is less than eleven years of age or a federal or out-of-state offense that would constitute first degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor who is less than eleven years of age, he must be punished by death or by imprisonment for life, as provided by this section. For the purpose of determining a prior conviction under this subsection, the person must have been convicted of, pled guilty or nolo contendre to, or adjudicated delinquent on a separate occasion, prior to the instant adjudication, for first degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor who is less than eleven years of age or a federal or out-of-state offense that would constitute first degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor who is less than eleven years of age. In order to be eligible for the death penalty pursuant to this section, the sexual battery constituting the current offense and any prior offense must have involved sexual or anal intercourse by a person or intrusion by an object. If any prior offense that would make a person eligible for the death penalty pursuant to this section occurred prior to the effective date of this act and no specific finding was made regarding the nature of the conduct or is an out-of-state or federal conviction, the determination of whether the sexual battery constituting the prior offense involved sexual or anal intercourse by a person or intrusion by an object must be made in the separate sentencing proceeding provided by this section and proven beyond a reasonable doubt and designated in writing by the judge or jury, whichever is applicable. If the judge or jury, whichever is applicable, does not find that the prior offense involved sexual or anal intercourse by a person or intrusion by an object, then the person must be sentenced to imprisonment for life. For purposes of this subsection, imprisonment for life means imprisonment until death.

Deer Attack Three at Illinois University:
ONLY in Illinois hee hee.
'View' Ladies 'Furious' After Dixie Chicks' Diss:
First of all "The View" is almost as retarded as "The Dixie Chicks"
Secondly, nobody cares what any of you dumb ass chicks have to say.
Thirdly, nobody cares what Bruce has to say either.
Now, go away.
Another short one today kiddies...i'm busy busy busy ya know!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Bear Escapes Breeder's Ohio Home, Mauls Neighbor

Nothing like minding your own business and all of a sudden there is a 500 lb. animal standing behind you.
Boy, 8, Arrested After School Bus Runs Over, Kills N.Y. Girl:
Not much you can say about this, what a horrible thing to have happen.
Academic freedom and taxpayers' rights:
This guy is absolutely 100% right.
I know if I was in a class, I sure wouldn't want the teacher telling me there was no such thing as an all powerful being that created everything. Or whatever your stance may happen to be, now if he wants to present an opinion, and respect everybody elses as well, that's fine.
But these ding dongs like Ward Churchill....must be terminated.
Accused rapist to plead guilty:
This pervert gave a death sentence to two other people. I'm sorry, tell me again why he doesn't deserve one? I guess I must be missing something here......and byt the way "consensual sex with a 16 year old" when you're 35 or whatever age you were is STILL AGAINST THE LAW you stupid piece of *hit.
Okay, guys thanks for coming by!
Remember, our troops do what they do, so we can do what we do!

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Teachers, emergency workers honored for saving child's life

Way to go guys! I need to take a CPR course.
FBI says Hoffa search expected to take 2 weeks
Agents in Mich. look for remains of Teamsters leader who vanished in 1975:
I tell you what, after being in Louisiana and seeing the swamps down there, I mean dense, dark, swamps that barely any light gets thru, less than 20 feet off the highways, if you were to dump a body back in there, I can guarantee you it would never be found. That's where Hoffa was....anyway. I'm pretty sure the 'gators have taken care of all of tht by now. heh heh
U.S. Cautions Against Iraq Refugee Number Claims:'s a war...of course people are going to get displaced. Does it suck, yeah, it probably does. But if you ding dong Iraqi's would wake the hell up and smelled the coffee, and realized you were under a tyrannical, maniac and done something about it yourselves, this wouldn't be happening now, would it?
And I don't want to hear the crap about how Saddam was to powerful, and they couldn't do anything against him.........lets see......hmmm....I'm trying to think of a group of people that rose up against an all powerful country and gained their freedom......boy...I just can't think of one.....oh....wait.....I think there might have been something way back in 1776, I'll have to get back to you on that though....pretty sure that's about when it was. I'm pretty sure everything being relative the British Empire was about a bazillion times more powerful than *hithead over in the middle east was.
Why is it always our fault? You know what, fine, lets pull you want to know what will happen....let me fill you idiots in. (meaning the idiot liberals)
In no particular order:
1. Murder
2. Rape
3. Slavery
4. Civil War
5. Another dictator takes over, who is worse than Saddam was.
We'll pull out, have fun. BUT if there was one hint of anything that even looks, or smells nuclear, we turn all your deserts into glass. (if you don't know, when sand is super heated, it turns into glass....basically) And that's what happens when you drop the big boy bomb.
Friday...almost here.
Headin' to da lake next weekend for Memorial Day!
Come back tomorrow for more titilating commentary

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


"We the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt to help everyoneget along, restore some semblance of justice, avoid more riots, keep ournation safe, promote positive behavior, and secure the blessings ofdebt-free liberty to ourselves and our great-great-great-grandchildren,hereby try one more time to ordain and establish some common senseguidelines for the terminally whiny, guilt ridden, delusional, and otherliberal bed-wetters. We hold these truths to be self evident: that a wholelot of people are confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim theyrequire a Bill of NON-Rights."
ARTICLE I: You do not have the right to a new car, big screen TV, or anyother form of wealth. More power to you if you can legally acquire them, butno one is guaranteeing anything.
ARTICLE II: You do not have the right to never be offended. This country isbased on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone -- not just you! Youmay leave the room, turn the channel, express a different opinion, etc; butthe world is full of idiots, and probably always will be.
ARTICLE III: You do not have the right to be free from harm. If you stick ascrewdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not expect the toolmanufacturer to make you and all your relatives independently wealthy.
ARTICLE IV: You do not have the right to free food and housing. Americansare the most charitable people to be found, and will gladly help anyone inneed, but we are quickly growing weary of subsidizing generation aftergeneration of professional couch potatoes who achieve nothing more than thecreation of another generation of professional couch potatoes. (This one ismy pet peeve...get an education and go to work....don't expect everyone else to take care of you!)
ARTICLE V: You do not have the right to free health care. That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not interested in public health care.
ARTICLE VI: You do not have the right to physically harm other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim, or kill someone, you do not have the right to live, you will fry in the electric chair. (Personally, I favor public hanging on pay per view and putting the money towards the national debt.)
ARTICLE VII: You do not have the right to the possessions of others. If yourob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other citizens, don't besurprised if the rest of us get together and lock you away in a place whereyou still won't have the right to a big screen color TV or a life of leisure.
ARTICLE VIII: You do not have the right to a job. All of us sure want youto have a job, and will gladly help you along in hard times, but we expectyou to take advantage of the opportunities of education and vocationaltraining laid before you to make yourself useful. (AMEN!)
ARTICLE IX: You do not have the right to happiness. Being an American meansthat you have the right to PURSUE happiness, which by the way, is a loteasier if you are unencumbered by an over abundance of idiotic laws createdby those of you who were confused by the Bill of Rights.
ARTICLE X: This is an English speaking country. We don't care where you arefrom, English is our language. Learn it or go back to wherever you came from!
ARTICLE XI: You do not have the right to change our country's history or heritage. This country was founded on the belief in one true God. And yet,you are given the freedom to believe in any religion, any faith, or no faithat all; with no fear of persecution.The phrase "IN GOD WE TRUST" is part of our heritage and history, and if you are uncomfortable with it, TOUGH!!!!
As a good friend of mine says,
See ya tomorrow

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Positions Still Fixed After Bush Immigration Speech

Well, okay not bad. How about this though.......
Put a mine field about 1 foot over the border on our side, that'll end this problem in a hurry, I'd think.
Venezuela: U.S. Arms Embargo Is Prelude to Invasion :
hahahahahhaahahahahha......oh oh...Hugo, you're killin' me bruthuh! We just kicked out two of the most brutal regimes in history that are 5,000 miles away.......and your little punk ass is just south of the border a little ways, you really think we need an arms embargo to throw your fanny out......let me ponder that for a no. Get over yourself there, Hugo.
Shouldn't you be making coffee or something with Juan Valdez?
Sea Lions Waddle Amok at Southern California Marina:
Nothing a deer rifle wouldn't take care of, seal steak anyone? hee hee.
Ohio Man Said to Be Missing From Royal Caribbean Cruise:
All right, why the hell does this keep happening? Retarded. This is like getting hit by a train. You know where the tracks are, you know wich way the train is coming from, and wich way it's going to go, it's not like it can suddenly change directions or something. Good heavens.
Guess what...109 days 'til hawkeye football!!

Friday, May 12, 2006

Reading, Writing and Race

This is quite a little story.
I guess the facts are the facts and scores on tests don't lie, but wow. This is a bit of a stretch.
Now the slavery thing is entirely different, we absolutley should not have to compensate for that. If you go back thru history, almost every single group, race, or whatever has been enslaved by somebody or another at different times. Somebody was always conquering somebody, and taking the men, women, and children to do whatever with. But this guy has some major cahonees!
NSA phone number collection data.
Okay, lets clear something up here, the feds were collecting phone record data, yes. But essentially what it amounted to was what numbers were calling what numbers. They weren't listening to your conversations, they aren't going to kick down your door and search your house.....or any such thing. And by the way, a handful of the major companies are the ones that turned the numbers over, for a small fee of course. The only one that didn't that was asked, was Qwest. So if you want to be mad about it, be mad about YOUR phone company turning over YOUR info to the gov't for money. Hope that clears up this confusion.
Graduation Decision Faces A Holdenville High School Senior:
They say their policy is everyone has to wear a cap and gown, guess what, make an exception......he is going to fight for US here people. And no, you don't have to make an exception for every other Tom, Dick and Harry that may want to wear their "ethnic" or "religious" bullcrap. This is AMERICA, he just graduated from one of the toughest boot camps in the world, he's going to go fight so his classmates can go to college, drink beer, and do all the fun stuff college kids do.
And I'll bet it's more liberal ass crap, than "school policy" after all we are dealing with
"educators" here.
Okay, I have to go, I am going to write a letter to the stupid ass superintendent!
Have a good weekend, stay safe.....thanks for stoppin' by!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

UI gender equity report released

Hmmm....if I wasn't the open minded person I am, I would tend to think this would be sexism, and favoritism of one group over another.
"Hogan asked the ad hoc committee to recommend changes and programs to increase the number of women on the faculty and improve their quality of life, taking into account issues like the support that women receive for research; opportunities for women to develop successful careers as researchers or administrators; and barriers for women to attaining tenure or full professorship."
Lucky for me though, I know this kind of stuff doesn't go on, like affirmative action and those types of things aren't racist. Because that doesn't give prejudicial treatment to one group of people over another, right?
I'm sure they're considering the same thing for white males who are over the age of forty.
UI makes harassment training mandatory:
They're going to make new students take this course.....
Yeah, and charge them an extra how many dollars for it? Absolutely ridiculous.
Arizona Sheriff Uses Anti-Smuggling Law to Target Illegal Immigrants:
About damn time! Since our lovely federal government refuses to do anything, basically.
This guy should be "Captain of the Sheriffs" nation wide. This is the same guy that took cable away from the prisoners, the feds told him he had to keep it, so he said okay, I'll give 'em cable and allows nothing but the Disney channel and the History channel.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Bentley appeals, wants new trial

So friggin' what if this juror did research this so called book. It doesn't have anything to do with wether or not this Satan on earth (Bentley) killed this little girl. This kind of crap drives me bonkers. Is it just me, or does it seem like it's all about protecting the criminals. Somebody up there go ahead and take this puke out!
PLEASE Iowa reinstate the death penalty.
Man arrested after leading cops to meth lab:
I guess cookin' al that meth made you stupid too.
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy:
My fiances sisters little boy just got this, was kind of a weird deal. He's going to be okay,but here's just some info on it just in case. The emergency room Doc said they've only had like five cases of this in five years or so.....
Hillary Clinton Gives Praise to President Bush:
*cough cough* Say what.......???
I have a thousand dollars that says there is an alterier motive behind this, I have not yet ascertained what dastardly purpose it is yet, but let not your heart be troubled...I will.
Boys Aged 13, 14 Suspected in 7 Canadian Bank Robberies:
Well, here's something you don't see every day.
Okay, that's it for today people. I have a hot dtae with the dentist this afternoon.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

World Qualifiers!

This isn't really earth shattering or anything, but my softball team down here qualified for the World Tourney in St Louis, Mo in Sept. Pretty neat deal......we actually finished 2nd in our division, but the team that beat us for 1st, had already qualified, so we get the bid to go.
Unfortunetley, that's th same weeknd as the Iowa/Iowa St game, so you guys will have to miss that while in St Louis watching us. (heh heh)
We, the people, will have to bring these guys down:
First of all, all you have to do is look at this nimrods picture. That should tell you everything you need to know.
Having said that, I won't bore you with a point by point arguement on why this guy is wrong, not just completley wrong, but so far off base wrong he's already back in the dugout.
I will however go ahead and dispute this paragraph he wrote:
"However, it should now be clear even to most Republicans that the war in Iraq is more than a mistake, more than a fiasco, more than a quagmire; the war in Iraq began as a criminal conspiracy hatched by PNAC and has now developed into a deluge of impeachable high crimes and reprehensible violations of international law."
Um.......okay so I guess if Algore would've won, you'd be wanting to impeach him too becuase he also stated Iraq had WMD's, as did Clinton, as did Kerry as did Great Britain, as did France, as did Russia.
Then there also was the little matter of Iraq breaking......are you ready for this Loren.......SEVENTEEN U N RESOLUTIONS, wich right then and there, after breaking the FIRST ONE gave us the authority to go in to Iraq, but we didn't. Okay, do you understand? Those weren't UNITED STATES resolutions, those were UNITED NATIONS just exactly how is it possible we broke international law you stupid ass?
It is amazing what people will do to the facts.
Just a short one today, your humble blogger is a bit under the weather, but not so far under that I can't get out the truth detector!
Support the troops, they do what they do, so we can do what we do.
(like qualify for world softball tourneys!) ; )

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Moussaoui Gets Last Chance to Speak Before Going to Jail

Guys, this is bad, bad, bad. He needed to get the death penalty....and here's why:
His life imprisonment sentence instead of the death penalty sends a message to the Islamic radicals, ie: Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbolah.....that America is weak and cannot do what must be done. Do you realize what would happen if they would somehow get Bush, or Rice or Cheney?
They'd be dragged thru the streets of every middle eastern city they could get to.
There was a former terrorist on the radio down here in K C awhile back, and he has even met with Bin Laden......he said,
"America, if you ever find Bin Laden, you take him back to New York City and hang him from the highest building you can find and put it on world wide T V. That is the only thing these people understand, is sure brute force and no mercy. If you did that, it would send a clear message to them, you are serious."
He also went on to say that, "Don't worry about turning him into a martyr, they would be so demoralized, they would collapse."
So there you have it guys.....straight from the horses mouth. Dare I say this was some liberal ass jury....pretty sure if this would've been in Texas, or somewheres like that.....this guy would not be passing go. (as in monopoly)

Federal Judge Orders Removal of San Diego Hilltop Vets' Cross:
I HAVE FRIGGIN' HAD IT!!! You stupid piece of shit atheist!
Look, I don't care if you're an atheist, fine, have at it. But please let us honor the soldiers!!!
Once again, the constitution says you have freedom OF religion, not FROM religion. Sepration of church and state does not apply here. It's not our fault you have nothing to put there, because you believe in NOTHING.
Let me ask you this Atheist boy, do you realize these brave soldiers fought and died so YOU could be a total knob? Get a grip, get a clue, but do something.......NOW GO THE HELL AWAY!
Alligator Bites Fla. Real Estate Tycoon While Wrestling: as the alligator was dragging him into the water for lunch, the man could be heard saying,
"Ah.........he's biting me hard!!!"
Well I would guess so, it's a friggin' alligator numnuts!!!
heh heh...He's biting me hard, I crack myself up.
Okay, that's it for today kids......
Support our troops!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Teen Survives 30 Hours in Woods With Broken Neck; Teacher Accused

Okay, death penalty for this puke, I say........I know the girl didn't die, but the intent was there. It also sounds like maybe they were having an affair.....he should be hung by his toenails for that alone. When she turns 18 and graduates......whatever, she's an adult then and fine......she was still 17 though according to the article.
Yeah, he's a real tough guy isn't he? Snapping the neck of a 17 yr old girl....real nice.
Come on over about 4 hours west Mr. pro wrestler guy......I'm right in K C. (well sort of)
Man, 81, Wins Three Lottery Prizes in One Year:
Waterloo, Ia
All the way up there in Waterloo, Ia! I wonder if he can spare any? heh heh
Two Eskimos, a big one and a little one, go to their local Alaskan convent with a question. The big one nudges the little one and says, "Go ahead, knock on the door, knock on the door."
The Mother Superior answers the door. Again, the big Eskimo nudges the little one and says, "Go ahead, ask her the question, ask her the question."

The little Eskimo timidly says, "May we speak with the midget nun that lives here please?"

The Mother Superior answers, "There are no midget nuns living here."

The big Eskimo starts nudging the little one again and says, "Go ahead, ask her the other question, ask her the other question."

The little Eskimo asks in a quavering voice, "Well. Are there any midget nuns in Alaska?"

The Mother Superior responds uncertainly, "Why no, I don't believe so."

With this the big Eskimo falls down and rolls on the ground, clutching his belly as he laughs uncontrollably. "See", he says to the little Eskimo, "I told you that you *ucked a penguin!"
(Thanks to T R for this one)
Minuteman Civil defense Corps:
Good! Glad to see somebody doing something about these ILLEGAL aliens crossing our border by the thousands every day. They're actually building a fence with privately donated funds....pretty cool. Since our retard gov't won't put the military down there to do it.
`Mexican immigration laws:
(After some back breaking research, okay maybe it wasn't back are a few of the laws for specific types of pepole if you want to go to Mexico and take up a permanent residency:
If you are over 50 years of age, and want to engage in "non remunerative activities" and you are receiving funds from abroad (from a pension or other investments or fixed income) at least to the value of 400 times the daily minimum daily wage per month and a further 200 times daily minimum wage per month for each dependent (e.g. spouse, children) then you can apply for a Retiree Immigration Permit. Read more about retirement in Mexico on Mexperience
You can receive an immigration permit if you are willing to invest your capital in Mexico. You investment can be directed at industry or services, and must equal a minimum of 40,000 times the minimum daily wage in Mexico City.
If you are a qualified professional, you can have your certificates validated by the Mexican Consulate and apply for an immigration permit to live in Mexico. You must be sponsored by a company who must satisfy the authorities that you are essential to their operative requirements.
Scientists & Technicians:
If you are involved in science, or are a qualified technician, whether commercially or for education, you can apply for an immigration permit in Mexico. You may need to be invited by one of the established scientific or technical organizations in Mexico.
Artists and Sportspeople:
These people can apply for an immigration permit. Each case is considered individually and entry is at the Interior Ministry's discretion.

As you can see they clearly want to put the screws to us when we come there, yet they "expect"
everything when they come here. Methinksnot.
Be good, thanks for stopping by!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Consumer Spending Rises as Incomes Grow

WHAT? How can this be? Our lovely left wing media would have you believe everything is collapsing down around our ankles. I'm pretty sure you won't see this anywhere in the N Y Times, or any of the big media outlets. I haven't checked CNN yet......but I'd bet it's not.
Trapped Australian Miners Get Food, Water:
3,000 feet I say this would suck! Hopefully they can get these guys out.
Senate Republicans Seek Taxpayer Rebate Checks for Gas Price Relief:
Sounds like they're at least trying to do something, but of course the dumb ass Democats will block anything to do with drilling in the Arctic Circle. Get over it guys, we're not playing games anymore here.....dumbshit Clinton vetoed the thing ten years ago, guess what else drilling up there will do....create jobs, somebody is going to have to build the dumb thing, then maintain it as well...not to mention more income for the shipping industry, to get al the materials up there to build it....but nooooooooo....we don't want to do that....hell no!
Iran: U.S. Threats are Violation of International Law:
Um......heh heh....SO? What exactly are you going to do about it there Ali Baba? Let me tell you, NOT A DAMN THING! Now, go away.
'A Day Without Immigrants'
What a bunch of idiots. Lets see, I went to three sepreate businees' after work yesterday....and not a one was closed due to the "economic impact" of the boycott, or walkout or whatever. And this bullcrap about how we're all "imigrants" my sweet *ss...I was born here, my parents were born here, my g'parents were born here, and so were my great g'parents.....
Then there is the arguement we took their land, and they want California, New Mexico, and Texas back........come get it......if you can. By the way that's what conquering nations do, what the hell did you guys do to the Aztecs........took their land, what did Ghengis Khan do......took other peoples land, what did England do way back when, basically conqeured the world. Now, get back to work, or leave!
That's all my ranting for today........stay safe!