Wednesday, May 31, 2006

University to decide future of using cage-free eggs

Um.....can we maybe worry about more important things? Caged or non-caged chickens?
This just in, they're chickens!!! How much is this little venture going to cost? I'm sure it will be a catered affair.
Should we eat caged or non caged beef....if they have hamburgers or steak. And lets make sure we have the proper potato salad....with uncaged potatoes. And what about the green beans, better make sure they are from a field that has been properly rotated with corn every other year.
What in the name of Gods green Earth?
I'm not for abusing animals, don't get me wrong, and testing them for the makeup thing probably isn't good.
On the other hand, if hooking up a monkey's brain to a car battery can cure some guy from cancer ten years from now........guess what, red is positive, and black is negative!
Boy Found Alive Four Days After Disappearing on Camping Trip:
I'm glad they found the kid, and he's okay and everything.......but is it just me or does it seem like a really bad idea to take a kid with attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity to a campsite that is, " A rugged area with steep cliffs and narrow ravines."
Doesn't really seem like the thing to do to me. Especially at eight years old.
Massachusetts Murderer Seeks Sex Change:
I'm going to go ahead and make the ruling on this:
The guy strangled his wife for Gods sake. It also says he may commit suicide if he doesn't get the surgery.....exactly why would that be a problem?
I like how his lawyers calls him "she" thruout the article. So from this point on, I'm going to refer to him as "it"
The article also refers to "it" as having "gender identity disorder" Why do we have to have a disorder for everything, it was Gods plan for you to be a boy, 'kay? Because you want to *uck it up does not mean we pay for it, 'kay?
Buh-bye now
Court Rejects Atheist's Claim Over Boy Scouts:
Wow.......some judges made the RIGHT decision for once.
Those horrible nasty Boy Scouts, making people swear an oth to god and country.
What's next.....dogs and cats sleeping together, fire and brimstome raining from the sky, mass hysteria!
I love the last line in this article as well......
"Scalise's attorney, Timothy Taylor of Mount Pleasant, said taxpayer-funded schools are too cozy with the Boy Scouts.
It's going on all over the country and has been for decades, he said."
Hold it, Tim Taylor? hee hee.
Buh-bye now.
A blind guy went bungi jumping, when he got done a spectator of the whole thing said,
"Hey, weren't you scared?"
The blind guy replied, "Nah, but it sure scared the shit out of my dog!"
Okay, that's it for today, first doublehedar of summer tonight league play.....weehah!
Thanx for stoppin' by!!

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