From a letter to the editor in the Des Moines Register today.
My response follows letter
I was pleased to read that Pope Benedict XVI visited the former Auschwitz concentration camp as “a son of the German people.” The picture in the May 29 Register shows the pope walking alone into the camp, while those who accompanied him wait a respectful distance behind. It was a poignant view of a German pope walking respectfully into a camp that witnessed unspeakable acts of horror during World War II.I was disappointed at the pope’s question addressed to God: “Why, Lord, did you remain silent? How could you tolerate all this?” Benedict XVI should have addressed his question to all German, Polish and other Christians who did next to nothing to stop the reign of terror unleashed on the Jews and other people Hitler and his followers butchered.Those who did nothing are the ones to ask, “Why did you, in the name of Jesus, fail to stop the evil that was all around you? Why did the United States fail to intervene when we knew what was going on?”To suggest that God was silent is to miss the point. People, many of whom would have claimed to be Christians — Catholics and Protestants — failed to stop the slaughter. Why? — The Rev. Russell Melby, Ames.
Well, I can't say that I disagree with the good Reverend Russell here.
Again, it goes back to not wanting to get involved, every time we do, the whole world hates us, anytime we don't, the whole world hates us. (except for maybe WWII)
For insatnce the genocide going on in Darfur right now, everybody wants to know how come we aren't stopping it, but the second we go in there it will be, we're after the oil, or diamonds, or whatever the hell they have there.
You know, I recieved an e-mail awhile back about how we should just pull out of everything and everywhere and let the rest of the world fend for themselves, except for England. We will no longer help anybody else with anything. Why should we, all we do is get chastised for it. The next time a third world country gets invaded by Iraq, Iran, or whomever...tough bananas,fight it out yourselves....earthquake, flood, volcano...tough cookies....have at it. We're done pullin' everybody's butts out of the fire.
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