Monday, July 24, 2006

Closing Arguments Set to Begin in Yates Murder Trial

Yeah, you're Satan all right......I wish they could execute your insane friggin' *ss......killing five knew exactly what you were doing.
"Postpartum psychosis"...whatever, get over it sister!
Buh bye now.
Cross on San Diego Property May Determine National Legal Standard:
I tell you what.....people are idiots.....I wish had nothing better to do than sue cities over a memorial to our fallen heroes. I don't care if it was a menorah up there.....if it's meant to honor our fallen heroes......SO WHAT!
Global trade talks collapse
Top World Trade Organization members fail to reach breakthrough:
Well of course they blamed the U S. After all, we are the cause of all evil in the world.
Here's an idea for you India and Brazil.......go fly a kite.
Hope you never get invaded and need help.
Hezbollah negotiator rejects peace proposal
Rice holds tense meetings with parliament speaker in surprise Beirut visit:
And of course he rejected the proposal....saying Israel's assault has set them back 50 years. I know, why don't you get a grip and kick the terrorists running your gov't out! Oh wait...I forgot all you people want to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.
This just aren't going to win, period. If it comes to it, we'll dump everything we have on your terrorist asses, and that wil be all. See?
Well, hope everybody had a great weekend, I went to the lake with my lovely fiance and two other freinds. We had a blast.....if you're ever in K C and get a chance to see Saucy Jack Band, or Charlie and the Stingrays....DO IT!!!

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