Thursday, January 10, 2008

U.S. Rains 40,000 Pounds of Bombs on Al Qaeda Targets in Northern Iraq

Good, keep up the great work over there!
Guess what Al Qaeda, YOU ARE LOSING.....period. It's almost to the point where there is nowhere for you to run. finito. El Done-o.
Anyone else care to test the resolve of the American people and our military?
Anyone? Hello?
Thought not.
Golf Channel Anchor Suspended for Tiger Woods 'Lynch' Comment:
Hey, I know....why don't we take all this energy and put it to something I don't know... feeding hungry kids!?!?!?!?!?
Good lord can we get off the PC crap. If we spent as much time and energy helping kids as we do worrying about some stupid ass comment some chick golf commentator made about some guy who chases a little white ball around for a living, the world would be a better place.
Polish Man Finds Wife Working in Brothel:
Okay.......I guess if I was her my first question to him would be,
"What are YOU doing here."
But that's just me.
Provocative Mayor Asked to Resign at Oregon Town Meeting:
With a Mayor that looks like this, I'd probably even go to a town meeting or two!!
Shrimper Accused of Throwing Kids Off Bridge Expected in Court:
I would venture to say Alabama has the death penalty, and you are going to FRY dude.
WTF is wrong with you? You throw your kids off a bridge?
If I could get to Alabama, I'd pick your Vietnamese ass up and throw your foriegn piece of shit ass off the same bridge.
Anybody who reads this and is NOT for the death penalty, needs to rethink that stance.
This piece of crap just threw four kids, HIS KIDS, off an 80 ft high bridge.
I don't want to pay for him to stay on the friggin' planet. No one should have to pay for him to stay on the friggin' planet.
Fry his ass and throw him to the 'gators down there.
That is all.
Everybody have a good weekend!!!!

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