Friday, March 10, 2006

We're the racists?

Thank God! Dubai Ports World has decided to back out of this. Wether it due to the rising dissent in this country over it, or whatever. We cannot have foriegn companies running ports of entry. They were going to have access to all of the security measures and everything else. No...uh huh...sorry. I saw a couple of middle eastern newspapers that were editorializing about how we're all racist pigs now towwards Arabs and middle eastern people. (meanwhile in a picture right next to it, there's a couple middle eastern men burning the American flag, and we're the racists?) Um...excuse me? I don't believe we're the ones flying planes into buildings that have DAYCARE centers in in INNOCENT children daycare centers. You know what, you people are unbelievable. Well guess what, we don't care what you think, we don't need your permission to do *hit. We're the big boys on the block, you mean exactly SQUAT to us. We have enough oil in Alaska where we don't have to use you for anything. (if the enviro whacko's would back off and let us go up there like we should be able to do) When it gets to that point, and I think it will someday, you'd best keep your friggin' wigged out Islamic idiots out of our country, and minding their own business. Because I can guarantee next time you idiots fly a plane into something, it isn't going to be a few ground troops we send over. So you know what, go it.....and lets end this thing...permanently. Maybe you'll grow up someday and have the guts to attack a military target and not women and children....nah...I doubt it. You probably don't have the guts to take me on, and I'm a beer guzzlin', fat out of shape old guy. (well, I'm 240 lbs, and 42 yrs old heh heh)
I am so sick of this crap, we're the racists because we want what's best for the country......god! Okay, if you're going to call us's this:
You towel head wearin', makin' your women cover their face walking ten feet behind you, playin' in the sand, murdering innocent women and children, koran readin', quickie mart managing, camel jockeys!
I'm sorry I have had it.
Okay, no links or anything today...I just had to go off on the camel jockeys.
Now, I am off to watch da hawks pound on Minnesota at the OP!!!

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