Friday, August 11, 2006

British Officials Identify 19 Suspects in Mid-Air Terror Attack Plot

See, all is not lost in the war against these idiots. Obviously our tactics are helping. Yeah, it's going to suck for awhile at the airport again.....but at least you'll arrive alive!
Good work Britian!
Retail Sales Leap Higher in July:
For everybody who thinks the economy sucks right now.....mmmm...I'd say not.
ACLU Decries Conditions in La. Prison During Katrina:
Right, sure,whatever...folks be wary of anything the ACLU is involved in.
A letter to the editor from The Iowa City Press Citizen:
(My response follows)
Enemies' friends are also enemies
Israel is digging a huge hole for itself, and we are in danger of falling in with them. When you live in a neighborhood with no friends, it is bad policy to start fights, even if you have big brother America on your side. Look at the demographics of the region and tell me how Israel, with its policy of "no mercy" to anyone who threatens or attacks them, plans to exit 50 years from now when the U.S. will have so many of its own problems that it will no longer be able to help. And since the Israeli army shows no more mercy than the German army showed the Jews in Europe, we may see history repeated.
We may be in big trouble ourselves because we are letting Israel lead us by the nose. We arm them to the teeth and yet they ignore us when we say please stop your aggression.
Remember, in the Arab world, a friend of my enemy is my enemy. We do not need Israel's enemies attacking us. If we don't start looking out for our own interests by balancing the legitimate rights of both Israel and the Arabs, we will reap the whirlwind. And, since we are spending most of our resources to fight terrorism overseas, we may not have much protection here at home when they come after us.
I have little hope for real change soon because the Bush presidency is a total disaster; and half the people in this country don't know or care, they still think Iraq had WMDs in 2003.
Don Van Hulzen
Iowa City
My response:
First of all right off the bat, "Israel is digging a hole and dragging us down with it."
How's that Don, by defending itself?
I'm sorry just exactly how did Israel start this? Prety sure they're not the ones bombing buses, schools, subways, with kids that have TNT strapped to their backs.
"The Israeli army shows no more mercy than the Germans showed the Jews in Europe"
You know what Don....good!
You and all your negotiate first, liberal dumb ass left wing whack-o's, won't stop until the Islamic facists take over America, will you be happy then Don? You and your hatred for Bush is more important than the safety and security of our country. We are dealing with terrorists, Don not the campfire girls.
"Remember in the Arab world, the friend of my enemy is my enemy. We do not need Israels enemies attacking us."
First of all, they have ALREADY attacked us. (Have you not been paying attention) See, it's people like you that say this kind of stuff, and people fall at your feet and believe you.
Don here's a list:
Marines in Beruit
U S S Cole
Khobar Towers
World Trade Center
That's just a handful...I could go on. Anyof those attacks ring a bell?
And by the way, the rreason they kept attacking was because of your boy Slick Willie's policies.
"And since we are spending most of our resources overseas to fight terrorism, we may not have much protection here at home when they come after us."
Right here, I gotcha Don, by you admitting "when they come after us" you're in effect stating they're coming no matter what, so negotiation is pointless, the only way to prevent them from getting here is stopping them BEFORE they have a chance too....wich means pre-emptive actions ya follow, Don?"
"Half the people in this country still think Iraq had WMD's in 2003."
Donny, Donny, Donny.
He DID have WMD's in 2003, just because we didn't find them means exactly squat. We TOLD Iraq we were coming and don't think they had time to move them out?
Besides the fact after Iraq broke the very first U N resolution, of wich they broke 17 of them, gave us the authority right then and right there to go in. So, if you can't get your damn facts straight, don't write dumb ass letters.
Until you, and those like you can get over your hatred of Bush because your party is not in power, you will never see the truth.
As you can see, there are still a bunch of left wing whackos out there.....but what can you do?
I guess do what I do maybe....I dunno.
Have a good weekend,

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