Thursday, August 31, 2006



Monday, August 28, 2006

Investigators Probe Why Comair Flight 5191 Used Short Runway

Wow, what a screw up this is going to turn out to be. Or already is I guess I should say. You'd think the tower would've been screaming at them over the radio to stop?
Maybe it was a deal like in the movie "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" where the tower was telling them they're going the wrong way, and the pilot looks at the co-pilot and says,
"The guys in the tower are drunk, how do they know where we're going?"
Survey: Gas Prices Drop to $2.87 Per Gallon:
Way to go Des Moines!
T.O. going too far? WR reportedly fined $9,500:
God, does he EVER learn. Crybaby, hotdog, overpaid......doesn't think he has to practice, lazy....
I'll stop there.
Annan demands Hezbollah release Israelis
U.N. chief says Israel must lift blockade of Lebanon:
Um...right, sure thing there Kofi. You have about as much credibility and clout now as a......well lets se....oh that's right you have no credibility or clout after the U N scandal(s).
Shut up, go back to whatever it is you crawled out of, or were hatched out of and did I mention shut up?
Buh-bye now
Well, hope everybody had a great weekend. I played softball in the bruhah tourney in Kansas City, 1.00 big 20 ounce beers, pretty fun.
My girlfreinds boy went to Central Missouri States baseball camp yesterday and they clocked him at 84 mph on the gun. Pretty good. (he's 15 )
And lets see what else, off to the lake this weekend for said girlfreinds b-day....the big 40. (sorry honey) hee hee.
Anyway, I'll be at Pickled Pete's Saturday at Lake Ozark for the Iowa game, if you happen to be down there, stop on in and buy me a beer!
6 days 'til hawkeye football!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Chicken Little and George Bush

This is from a letter in the Depressed Citizen the Iowa City Press Citizen:
my response follows below
The fable of the bird who raised the alarm about impending catastrophe has again become common knowledge thanks to Disney animators. Distinguishing between the prophet and the fool becomes much more complicated, however, when our politicians evoke fear in order to consolidate power. It is disgraceful, contemptible and effective.
"Terrorism" is Chicken Little's (and George W.'s) cry, but guerrilla warfare and even acts of terror have their roots in injustice. Iraq is occupied, Lebanon is occupied, and so is Palestine. Military force will continue to fail until the injustices are addressed and rectified.
The United States will continue to be mistrusted in the Middle East until its foreign policy embraces justice for the Palestinians. Israel will continue to be unsafe until it chooses to live in peace with justice with its Palestinian neighbors. And young American men will continue to be recruited (and subsequently die) for a foreign policy that considers the rights and safety of some people more precious than the rights and safety of others.
Paul MeyerIowa City
"When our politicians evoke fear in order to consolidate power. It is disgraceful, contemptible and effective."
Um...Paul....little news flash here.....if I'm hearing you right, and I think I these little incidents come to mind:
Planes flying into towers
Marines in Beruit
Kohbar Towers
U S S Cole
IMPENDING catastrophe? I think not. See Paul, it's not IMPENDING it's already happened, have you not been paying attention?
And yes Paul, Saddam had WMD's he used them on the Kurds....he would've used them on us. Unfortunately the libs like you, the Clinton lovers, the terrorist appeasers, and the blame America first crowd, are blind to that fact.
Paul, do you understand that Islamic facists have been around 200 years before the United States of America was even a thought? So to even suggest that it's our fault somehow, is just absolute blind march in step to the ultra left Bush hating appeasing idiots.
If anybody is to blame, try ole' Slick Willie for gutting our military and CIA and FBI to the point Usama and Sadddam thought we were weak enough to pull off a 9/11 with no consequences. Yes Paul, they were in it together, there's hundreds of documents PROVING it. Maybe Saddam wasn't directly involved in 9/11 but Al Qaeda had been training in Iraq for well as Syria and Iran. And by the way, I've heard first hand a former terrorist say as much down here on the radio in K C.
So you're the ones trying the misdirection, smoke and mirrors stuff, not the Bush administration. Have they made some mistakes, sure. Going into Iraq was NOT one of them.
Wake up Paul, or your one of the ones going to be bowing your head every couple hours while prayer music blasts from loud speakers thru out the city. (what would the ACLU do then?)

Friday, August 18, 2006

California Candy Makers See Virgin Mary in Chocolate Drippings

Um...okay that's pretty cool I guess. If it helps her get thru whatever she needs to get thru...rock on.
New Jersey Man Charged With Sex Crimes, 420-Plus Counts of Kiddie Porn:
I would say why don't we have the death penalty for idiots like this, but he won't last in prison very long. Why in the world would any country not let him be exradited because the country he is going to has the death penalty? Idiots.
Death leap father 'murder charge'
He should commit suicide, hospital director reported as saying:
Uh.....the hospital director would be correct. You'll understand after you read the article.
Hey, everybody have a good weekend! I have to go home and wallpaper the I'll just drink beer and let the g'freind do it! Yeah.....yeah...that'd be great!

Monday, August 14, 2006


Well, just when I think I'm catching on to the whole homeowners gig.......
We bought a new grill on Saturday, one of those nice new big things, was on sale for 170.00...normally like 320.00....good deal......get it home, heavier than hell, get it up on the deck......(thank god it was already assembled) trying to figure out how to connect the gas line to the propane tank........DEE DEE DEE turns out it's a friggin' NATURAL GAS LINE grill...not a propane powered one. No way to know that until you opened the manual AFTER getting it home.
By the way did I mention it was like 101 degrees Saturday?
So on top of that, upon further investigation I find a little "pick up later" slip inside the grill......that has somebody's number on it that had returned the grill I call them up, and the SAME THING HAPPENED TO THEM, THAT'S WHY THEY RETURNED IT!
At this point, I'm ready to have pigs fly out of my *ss. So, I take it back to Lowes, and I am just going off on the manager, why don't you have some sort of a sign on this yadda yada yadda..........he was willing to give money back of course, but that wasn't the point at all, I said we needed a grill, and I want a propane powered one for 170.00 dollars! Well, he wasn't real sympathetic......UNTIL, get this........the returns lady standing there says, "You know, this is like the fourth grill I've had returned because of this same reason."
Upon hearing this the manager says, "Are you kidding me?"
He then turns to me and says,"Go pick yourself out a nice PROPANE powered grill......I don't care wich one, and we'll only charge you the original 170.00." heh heh
So, I picked me out a porcelain grate grill, with 4 burners and a side burner thingy...and all the bells and whistles, all for being a dumb*ss.
Although I was apparently the only one with enough cohonees to raise a stink about it......maybe I'm not such a dumb*ss after all.
hee hee.
My younger sibling has also had an incident with a grill, but that is referred to as the "Grilling incident" that landed him in the hospital with stitches, but that's a story for another time.

Friday, August 11, 2006

British Officials Identify 19 Suspects in Mid-Air Terror Attack Plot

See, all is not lost in the war against these idiots. Obviously our tactics are helping. Yeah, it's going to suck for awhile at the airport again.....but at least you'll arrive alive!
Good work Britian!
Retail Sales Leap Higher in July:
For everybody who thinks the economy sucks right now.....mmmm...I'd say not.
ACLU Decries Conditions in La. Prison During Katrina:
Right, sure,whatever...folks be wary of anything the ACLU is involved in.
A letter to the editor from The Iowa City Press Citizen:
(My response follows)
Enemies' friends are also enemies
Israel is digging a huge hole for itself, and we are in danger of falling in with them. When you live in a neighborhood with no friends, it is bad policy to start fights, even if you have big brother America on your side. Look at the demographics of the region and tell me how Israel, with its policy of "no mercy" to anyone who threatens or attacks them, plans to exit 50 years from now when the U.S. will have so many of its own problems that it will no longer be able to help. And since the Israeli army shows no more mercy than the German army showed the Jews in Europe, we may see history repeated.
We may be in big trouble ourselves because we are letting Israel lead us by the nose. We arm them to the teeth and yet they ignore us when we say please stop your aggression.
Remember, in the Arab world, a friend of my enemy is my enemy. We do not need Israel's enemies attacking us. If we don't start looking out for our own interests by balancing the legitimate rights of both Israel and the Arabs, we will reap the whirlwind. And, since we are spending most of our resources to fight terrorism overseas, we may not have much protection here at home when they come after us.
I have little hope for real change soon because the Bush presidency is a total disaster; and half the people in this country don't know or care, they still think Iraq had WMDs in 2003.
Don Van Hulzen
Iowa City
My response:
First of all right off the bat, "Israel is digging a hole and dragging us down with it."
How's that Don, by defending itself?
I'm sorry just exactly how did Israel start this? Prety sure they're not the ones bombing buses, schools, subways, with kids that have TNT strapped to their backs.
"The Israeli army shows no more mercy than the Germans showed the Jews in Europe"
You know what Don....good!
You and all your negotiate first, liberal dumb ass left wing whack-o's, won't stop until the Islamic facists take over America, will you be happy then Don? You and your hatred for Bush is more important than the safety and security of our country. We are dealing with terrorists, Don not the campfire girls.
"Remember in the Arab world, the friend of my enemy is my enemy. We do not need Israels enemies attacking us."
First of all, they have ALREADY attacked us. (Have you not been paying attention) See, it's people like you that say this kind of stuff, and people fall at your feet and believe you.
Don here's a list:
Marines in Beruit
U S S Cole
Khobar Towers
World Trade Center
That's just a handful...I could go on. Anyof those attacks ring a bell?
And by the way, the rreason they kept attacking was because of your boy Slick Willie's policies.
"And since we are spending most of our resources overseas to fight terrorism, we may not have much protection here at home when they come after us."
Right here, I gotcha Don, by you admitting "when they come after us" you're in effect stating they're coming no matter what, so negotiation is pointless, the only way to prevent them from getting here is stopping them BEFORE they have a chance too....wich means pre-emptive actions ya follow, Don?"
"Half the people in this country still think Iraq had WMD's in 2003."
Donny, Donny, Donny.
He DID have WMD's in 2003, just because we didn't find them means exactly squat. We TOLD Iraq we were coming and don't think they had time to move them out?
Besides the fact after Iraq broke the very first U N resolution, of wich they broke 17 of them, gave us the authority right then and right there to go in. So, if you can't get your damn facts straight, don't write dumb ass letters.
Until you, and those like you can get over your hatred of Bush because your party is not in power, you will never see the truth.
As you can see, there are still a bunch of left wing whackos out there.....but what can you do?
I guess do what I do maybe....I dunno.
Have a good weekend,

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Okay kids it's time for a little history lesson in dealing with terrorists.
General Black Jack Pershing:
was born Sept 13, 1860 in Laclede, MS.
Died July 15, 1948 in Washington D C.
1891: Prof. of military Science and Tactics U of Nebraska
1898: Serves in Spanish-American War
1901: Awarded rank of Captain
1906: promoted to Brigadier general
1909: Military Gov. of Moro Province, Phillipines
1916: Promoted to Major General
1919: Promoted to General of the Armies
1921: Appt. Chief of Staff
1924: Retires from active duty Education West Point
Okay, that's a little background on the hero of our story.
Ready for this? This is absolutely classic........I think Patton just got replaced as my favorite General by this guy!
Here we go.....
Just before WWI, there was a number of terrorist attacks on U S forces in the Phillipines by Muslim extremists.
Black Jack managed to capture fifty of the souless devils and had them tied to posts for execution. (something unheard of today) he then had his men bring in two pigs and slaughter the poor beasts in front of the Muslim terrorists.
Muslims detest pork because they believe pigs are filthy animals. They will not eat it, or any of it's by-products. To them eating or touching a pig, it's meat, it's blood, etc........ is to be instantly barred from paradise (and those virgins) and be doomed to hell.
The soldiers then soaked their bullets in pigs blood, and executed all but one of the terrorists.
The soldiers dug a big hole, dumped the forty-nine terrorists body's in it, and covered them in the pigs blood, entrails, etc.
They let the last terrorist go.
As a result, there was not a Muslim terrorist attack ANYWHERE for forty- two years following.
Where do we find another Black Jack Pershing?
You know, this is the ONLY thing these people understand. Every time we try to impose "sanctions" on somebody........they just laugh in our face.
We better wake up guys, I'm tellin' ya.
It's going to be us vs. the Islamic facists...I hope whoever is in charge has the guts to push the button.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hezbollah Answers Israeli Offensive With Rocket Attacks

Hey you know what retaliate all you want Hezbollah, you aren't going to win, you have no chance of winning. Israel does absolutely everything you want, they pull out, they give you this and that.....and what do you do, you kidnap their soldiers. Nice...real nice guys.
Oklahoma dismisses starting QB Bomar:
Tsk tsk tsk......what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!.
Well, they either aren't very smart, or they're really bad cheaters. hee hee
Congress set to battle over offshore drilling plans:
Guys, guys,
there is plenty of oil here they've already found it, it's in Alaska. It won't bother a thing if you say screw the enviro-whacko's, throw out Slick Willie's craaaaaaap legislation he got passed, and just go do it.
Plenty o' oil for us.
Guard Dog Goes 'Berserk,' Shreds Elvis Presley's Teddy Bear::
Hmmmm......well I guess that puppy won't be anybody's "Teddy Bear" he probably isn't going to be "ain't nothin' but a hound dog" too much longer either.
hee hee.
how we all doin'? Gettin' thru the heat? I know I haven't been being very regular with my blog entries, but it's so damn hot in our warehouse all day, I just don't feel like doing it when I get home. When the heat breaks, I 'll be back to a little more regualr entries.... two or three a week anyway....and the A/C went out in my it's really hot 45 min. drive home.
I know, I know.......your fingers are playing "My heart bleeds for you" on the worlds tiniest stereo.
Well, let not your heart be troubled, I'll muddle thu it...somehow.
Anyway, have a good evening.....I'll catch you again before the end of the week!